Deploying Singularity

Finally this site is ready

I have been working nights and weekends on various projects for as long as I can remember. However, as I realized, it takes a team to get far.

Eventually I took the time to setup this site. I have blogged, built and bought websites, and even created products. I never put everything in one place as a reference so others could find it. Other than resumes which can get long and tedious resulting in TL;DR, I found this site to be much easier to work with. is my way of sharing everything I am doing now and for future reference. This will help me connect with more people who share similar ideas and interests.

The reason I used the name Singularity is because of my interest in Machine Learning but more than that, how everything is evolving.

I have questions. I have lots of random ideas. Some actually work.

If you find my ideas worthwhile do connect with me.

Well it's time to deploy this!


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